======================================= Robots exclusion application for Django ======================================= .. include:: ../README.rst Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 history Installation ============ Use your favorite Python installer to install it from PyPI:: pip install django-robots Or get the source from the application site at:: http://github.com/jazzband/django-robots/ To install the sitemap app, then follow these steps: 1. Add ``'robots'`` to your INSTALLED_APPS_ setting. 2. Make sure ``'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader'`` is in your TEMPLATES setting. It's in there by default, so you'll only need to change this if you've changed that setting. 3. Make sure you've installed the `sites framework`_. 4. Run the ``migrate`` management command .. _INSTALLED_APPS: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#installed-apps .. _TEMPLATES: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#templates .. _sites framework: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/sites/ Sitemaps -------- By default a ``Sitemap`` statement is automatically added to the resulting robots.txt by reverse matching the URL of the installed `Sitemap contrib app`_. This is especially useful if you allow every robot to access your whole site, since it then gets URLs explicitly instead of searching every link. To change the default behaviour to omit the inclusion of a sitemap link, change the ``ROBOTS_USE_SITEMAP`` setting in your Django settings file to:: ROBOTS_USE_SITEMAP = False In case you want to use specific sitemap URLs instead of the one that is automatically discovered, change the ``ROBOTS_SITEMAP_URLS`` setting to:: ROBOTS_SITEMAP_URLS = [ 'http://www.example.com/sitemap.xml', ] If the sitemap is wrapped in a decorator, dotted path reverse to discover the sitemap URL does not work. To overcome this, provide a name to the sitemap instance in ``urls.py``:: urlpatterns = [ ... re_path(r'^sitemap.xml$', cache_page(60)(sitemap_view), {'sitemaps': [...]}, name='cached-sitemap'), ... ] and inform django-robots about the view name by adding the following setting:: ROBOTS_SITEMAP_VIEW_NAME = 'cached-sitemap' .. _Sitemap contrib app: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/sitemaps/ Use ``ROBOTS_SITEMAP_VIEW_NAME`` also if you use custom sitemap views (e.g.: wagtail custom sitemaps). Initialization ============== To activate robots.txt generation on your Django site, add this line to your URLconf_:: re_path(r'^robots\.txt', include('robots.urls')), This tells Django to build a robots.txt when a robot accesses ``/robots.txt``. Then, please sync your database to create the necessary tables and create ``Rule`` objects in the admin interface or via the shell. .. _URLconf: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/ .. _sync your database: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#syncdb Rules ===== ``Rule`` - defines an abstract rule which is used to respond to crawling web robots, using the `robots exclusion protocol`_, a.k.a. robots.txt. You can link multiple URL pattern to allows or disallows the robot identified by its user agent to access the given URLs. The crawl delay field is supported by some search engines and defines the delay between successive crawler accesses in seconds. If the crawler rate is a problem for your server, you can set the delay up to 5 or 10 or a comfortable value for your server, but it's suggested to start with small values (0.5-1), and increase as needed to an acceptable value for your server. Larger delay values add more delay between successive crawl accesses and decrease the maximum crawl rate to your web server. The `sites framework`_ is used to enable multiple robots.txt per Django instance. If no rule exists it automatically allows every web robot access to every URL. Please have a look at the `database of web robots`_ for a full list of existing web robots user agent strings. .. _robots exclusion protocol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard .. _'sites' framework: http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/sites/ .. _database of web robots: http://www.robotstxt.org/db.html Host directive ============== By default a ``Host`` statement is automatically added to the resulting robots.txt to avoid mirrors and select the main website properly. To change the default behaviour to omit the inclusion of host directive, change the ``ROBOTS_USE_HOST`` setting in your Django settings file to:: ROBOTS_USE_HOST = False if you want to prefix the domain with the current request protocol (**http** or **https** as in ``Host: https://www.mysite.com``) add this setting:: ROBOTS_USE_SCHEME_IN_HOST = True URLs ==== ``Url`` - defines a case-sensitive and exact URL pattern which is used to allow or disallow the access for web robots. Case-sensitive. A missing trailing slash does also match files which start with the name of the given pattern, e.g., ``'/admin'`` matches ``/admin.html`` too. Some major search engines allow an asterisk (``*``) as a wildcard to match any sequence of characters and a dollar sign (``$``) to match the end of the URL, e.g., ``'/*.jpg$'`` can be used to match all jpeg files. Caching ======= You can optionally cache the generation of the ``robots.txt``. Add or change the ``ROBOTS_CACHE_TIMEOUT`` setting with a value in seconds in your Django settings file:: ROBOTS_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60*60*24 This tells Django to cache the ``robots.txt`` for 24 hours (86400 seconds). The default value is ``None`` (no caching). Developing ========== To run tests, create a virtualenv: virtualenv --python 3.10 .venv Source it: . .venv/bin/activate # or if you use source source .venv/bin/activate Install: pip install -e . pip install -r tests/requirements.txt pip install django Run the tests: env PYTHONPATH=. DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=tests.settings django-admin test robots -v2 Bugs and feature requests ========================= As always your mileage may vary, so please don't hesitate to send feature requests and bug reports: https://github.com/jazzband/django-robots/issues